Series: Writers' Motivation Series #5
Release Date: January 28, 2020
Contributors: Kit Campbell
Genre: Nonfiction, Writing How-To
Buy the Book: KindleWriting would be easy and great if the rest of our lives weren’t getting in our way, right?
Well, maybe not. But there are strategies you can put into place to fit your writing in around the rest of your responsibilities.
This book is divided into several sections so you can find the processes that fit your individual circumstances the best, whether it be caring for your children, working full-time, or figuring out how to fit in your writing around your school work (or some combination of the above).
Don’t let life be an excuse for not reaching your goals.
This book is part of the Writer’s Motivation series! This series is designed to help writers find the processes that work best for you individually, allowing you to more efficiently reach your writing goals.
Also in this series: