Hey-ho, squiders! It’s been below freezing here for days, which has been…interesting. And cold. Very cold. My oldest doesn’t believe in the cold, so this has been an interesting experience for him. I have been working on my submission material.
Publishing Novels Traditionally: After the Agent
Okay, squiders! This’ll wrap up traditional publishing for novels, and then we’ll take a bit of a break before we jump into self-publishing novels. So let’s say you’ve gotten an agent if you wanted one. Your agent may work with
Publishing Novels Traditionally: The Submission Process
Continuing on from Monday’s post about the ways to have a novel traditionally published, and Wednesday’s post about agents. If you haven’t read those and also aren’t familiar with those topics, you might want to start there. So, let’s say
Publishing Novels Traditionally: Agents
The most common way to have a novel published traditionally is with the help of an agent. An agent is a representative for the author and their work who helps the author sell said work and hopefully get a good