Evening, squiders. I’m making white bean chicken chili for dinner, so I’ll be in and out while I do steps for that. (My food processor was a bit too small, so that made a mess.) We talked last…Friday, I want
Thinking Ahead
I sent the end of Book 1 to my in-person critique group yesterday. I expect there will be some adjusting necessary, though I am interested to see how they feel about the ending as they’ve read the whole book, whereas
Turns Out if You Don’t Have a Focus, You Don’t Focus
Happy Wednesday, my dudes. (Sorry, I can’t help it. I love that joke.) August has been…unfocused. I am hyperfixating on non-writing things, which isn’t helping but I do find that I tend to do that as either an avoidance technique
Hey, Did You Know if you Try to Do Everything at Once, it’s Overwhelming?
Good afternoon, squiders! As you know, the winter critique marathon is going on right now at one of my online writing communities. Week 5 just started so we’ve done four weeks and I’ve had five chapters critiqued in that time
Dealing with Critiques and Commentary
It’s been an interesting week, squiders. (And a tiring one. I’ve got a cold and so I haven’t been able to sleep much. Part of me wants to go take a nap, but it’s not like I’m going to be
The End of the Marathon
Holy Snikeys, squiders, how is it Thursday already? Between it being the last week of the critique marathon and having chapters due to my in-person critique group for the meeting this weekend, I feel like I’m behind on everything else.
Trucking Along
How’s it going, squiders? Busy busy over in this neck of the woods, but that seems to always be the case. (We’re going to get new neighbors soon, which is always a bit nerve wracking.) So far so good on
Month of Feedback
Hi-ho, squiders! I’d forgotten how much a different summer camp every week messes with my routines. Blah. I’d better sit down and figure out how I’m going to deal with that. Anybody had any thoughts about the summer series this
In Praise of the Critique Marathon
There’s a lot of writing groups out there, and they offer a lot of different things. It’s been my experience that you have to test drive them as well–some may not be a good fit culturally, or the members may
Why Don’t Writing Groups Write?
So, back when I lived in California, I had a lovely group of people that I would write with. We’d go to a coffee shop, get a drink, maybe get a pastry (I am partial to chocolate pumpkin bread. Mmm),