Evening, squiders. I’m making white bean chicken chili for dinner, so I’ll be in and out while I do steps for that. (My food processor was a bit too small, so that made a mess.) We talked last…Friday, I want
Hey-ho, squiders! It’s been below freezing here for days, which has been…interesting. And cold. Very cold. My oldest doesn’t believe in the cold, so this has been an interesting experience for him. I have been working on my submission material.
Moving On
Ah, squiders. I am so tired. Why? No one knows, but it’s just as well that Nano collapsed and I’m not trying to fit in 50000 words. (Also have had a couple of nights where I’ve woken up in the
The Random Number Generator Most of the Way Through
Good afternoon, squiders. MileHiCon starts in about an hour, and I’m not quite ready, so that tracks. Sigh. I did get moderator questions for all my panels (including the one I’m moderating, so obviously someone else is writing them for
Why is Writing a Query Letter so Hard?
Happy Friday, squiders. It is almost my birthday, which continues to be a day I look forward to, despite the inescapable march of time. My random number generator continues to work well! I’m getting a lot done, and I’ve managed
The Well Runneth Dry
Good morning, squiders! I started this entry last Tuesday which tells you how my executive functioning has been lately. Every month I send out short stories. Basically I have a big spreadsheet, and it lists the story, the market, acceptance/rejection,
Troubleshooting: How Many Rejections are Too Many?
All right, Squiders! Let’s get into the troubleshooting portion of submission and publication, which will be the last section included here on the blog. Please let me know if this book blogging thing is working for you, and if you’d
Publishing Short Stories Traditionally (Part 3)
Here’s our final stop on this particular story type/publication method combination, Squiders. Short Story Collections Like anthologies, short story collections are, as the name implies, a collection of short stories. The main difference is that an anthology features the work
Publishing Short Stories Traditionally (Part 2)
Continuing on from Tuesday. If you missed that post, I recommend clicking the handy link at the top or bottom of this entry (depending on whether you’re on the blog or website) or simply scrolling down and reading that one
Publishing Short Stories Traditionally (Part 1)
Okay, Squiders! Let’s get into the meat of things. Today we’ll be talking about “traditional” methods of short story submission and publication. As a short recap, “traditional” publishing is the method of publishing that has been the norm for the