How are you, squiders? I am exhausted.
But I come bearing good news, or at least a book, which is basically the same thing.
In celebration of our tenth anniversary over at Turtleduck Press (holy carp!), we’ve put out The Best of Turtleduck Press, Vol II.

(In case you’re wondering, The Best of Turtleduck Press, Volume I came out in 2013, on our third anniversary.)
This was a fun exercise for our anniversary, since we got to read back through all the stories we’ve written for the past six years or so (and more, in some cases) and see which were our best. Each author has two stories included–one voted on as their best by everyone else, and the one they felt was their best.
(As an aside, both my stories are from the last few years, which, to me, is a good sign, because it means I’m getting better over time. Hooray!)
The anthology is currently ebook only, and only $.99. If you’d like some great shorts to read, you should go and get it.
I hope you’re doing well despite all the turmoil in the world, squiders. Regular posting returns next week.