You know what’s weird, squider? Tennis balls keep appearing in my backyard. My dog is overjoyed. But where are the tennis balls coming from? Why? (We’re up to four.) Best I’ve got is that some neighbor has lousy aim and also does not care enough about their tennis balls to come and ask for them back. They do not seem to be laced with poison or whatever the hell you see on the news.
In other news, I drew this picture yesterday/today:

I’m actually fairly pleased with it. Coloring looks decent, shading exists, all body parts look more or less proportional.
But then I had an attack of insecurity.
Kit, I said to myself, you are drawing people the same way you did back in high school. You have not improved at all in *mumblemumble* years. Your style is neither suitably realistic, if that’s what you’re going for, nor is it stylized in a way that is acceptable. You are a hack and you should give up right now.
This is a creative person issue and it is stupid, yet here we are.
I actually started this post with the thought that I would show you guys some of my high school art, and we could all bemoan how awful I was together.
(I happen to have some high school art handy, because I uploaded the comic strip I used to draw, The Misadventures of Fauble, to my deviantArt account, which I had forgotten existed and apparently haven’t touched in eleven years.)
But, you know, I looked through the stuff on the dA account (not a lot, not sure what I was doing with it) and…sure, I am still drawing with the same style, more or less. But, and maybe this is just me, it looks cleaner now. And you’ll notice none of the images in my dA account have any sort of attempt at color.
Sometimes, it may feel like we’re not getting anywhere, but all it might take is a look backwards to see that, hey, we are.
(And, to be fair, I haven’t drawn much in my adult life until fairly recently anyway, just a picture here or there, mostly story related. So it would be unrealistic to expect a great amount of improvement.)
Anyway, I wanted to say, hang in there! Practice may not make perfect, but it does make better, even if it’s just a little bit at a time.