Evening, squiders. Hope all is okay in your neck of the woods. Weird week, right? I’ve been doing pretty decently since we last talked on Tuesday. I’ve been making progress on my revision planning on RaTs (I’m in the notecard-making
WriYe and 2024 Recapped
A couple of housekeeping items — there’s a good chance that I’m going to be migrating hosts (or at least servers) sometime in the next month-ish, so if the site is down hopefully it will be back up soon! (Assuming
The Random Number Generator Most of the Way Through
Good afternoon, squiders. MileHiCon starts in about an hour, and I’m not quite ready, so that tracks. Sigh. I did get moderator questions for all my panels (including the one I’m moderating, so obviously someone else is writing them for
Random Number Generator Follow-On and Oh, Hey, It’s MileHiCon Time
Good evening, squiders! I hope your week is going well. So far, this random number generator plan I mentioned last week is working great. I’ve outlined my SkillShare class (something I’ve had on my to-do list for, like, two months),
Focus, Go!
It’s September! And yet still like 95 degrees. The planet is on fire, my dudes. So, as we discussed last month/week, August ended up not being terribly productive for me because I was free of the revision (aside from making
Turns Out if You Don’t Have a Focus, You Don’t Focus
Happy Wednesday, my dudes. (Sorry, I can’t help it. I love that joke.) August has been…unfocused. I am hyperfixating on non-writing things, which isn’t helping but I do find that I tend to do that as either an avoidance technique
Game On (Part 3) and Monkey Island
Good morning, squiders! We’ve survived all our summer camps and things can go back to (relatively) normal. Phew! In case you missed it, I’ve set a video game goal for the year to play through and at least categorize my
Halfway through 2024
2024 still sounds like a science fiction year to me. Oh well. Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, squiders! I got back from a long trip on Wednesday. I’d originally planned to pre-write and schedule a post, but
Game On (Part 2)
Hey ho, everybody! I set a video game goal for the year, to make it through my large catalogue of unplayed Steam games and at least categorize them. As I mentioned last time, this is manifesting as me picking out
Game On
Good evening, squiders! If you recall, I added in a video game goal for the year, which is supposed to be about five hours a week, but life is uneven and nothing can be relied upon, so how it’s really